After your Dean’s approval, you will be contacted by Edith, Director of Technology. The first practical step would be to meet with Edith. This meeting will cover the following topics:
How the Academic Absorption Committee works: Our committee works with Faculty Deans – your link to the Academic Absorption Committee. After you finish formulating the application, it will be passed on through the Dean to the Deputy Senior Vice President. The committee will determine the amount of your equipment budget, after reviewing all the materials and discussing it at a dedicated meeting. Once a full request is submitted to the Deputy Senior Vice President, it takes approximately two weeks before a reply is received. Reply means a letter summarizing the amount of funding for your equipment budget and the amount of the funding designated for personnel employment.
The research proposal, your research vision and the request for equipment budget: The purpose of the equipment budget is to provide you with the means necessary for you to succeed in research in the early years, until you bring in independent grants. To this end, we will assist you in the preparation of your equipment budget request. In order for us to be able to help you, it is important that you formulate and present your research vision: How do you envision your laboratory at the Technion? What are the main research questions you want to focus on? What technological specifications do you need to reach your vision?
Equipment budget request, structure and detail: If you have a draft, great, we will review it together and make improvements wherever necessary. If not, we’ll use the initial meeting to come up with a template and set a follow-up meeting. Together, we will list the categories of equipment for which you can request funding in your budget application such as basic laboratory equipment, dedicated laboratory equipment, computation, funding for the use of research infrastructures, consumables, funding for manpower, etc. As you work on your budget request, you can request similar proposals from your Faculty Dean, talk to directors of research infrastructure centers, consult new and experienced faculty members, and other relevant contacts. Preparing your equipment request and detailing the equipment you need is the first cornerstone of your laboratory building process. A detailed request will clarify what is required for your laboratory and serve as the basis for managing your absorption processes and writing grants.