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Frequently Asked Questions

Standard answers to common questions about the process of submitting an equipment budget request and its approval by the relevant Technion offices.
Is it possible to receive a letter of appointment along with approval of an equipment budget application?

Yes. Your Dean can submit both applications and get them approved simultaneously.

Is it possible to receive an equipment budget application template as an Excel file, by laboratory type?

Yes, it is. Several dedicated Excel file formats are available according to the laboratory type. Each template details the required level of detail of the items and the categories of equipment that can be requested. To receive a sample file, please send an email to Edith.

What documents should be included in your equipment budget application?

List of documents required to submit an equipment budget application in full:

  • Research statement.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • An Excel file with the laboratory equipment you need organized by category.
  • Price quotes for the significant items, each priced at $70,000 and above.
  • A one-page explanation detailing the relevance of the requested equipment to the research questions.
  • Accompanying letter from the Dean.
As a candidate or a new faculty member, who is the addressee for my equipment budget application?

Please submit your equipment budget application to the Dean of the Faculty.

Who decides on the amount of the equipment budget?

The amount of the equipment budget is determined by the Academic Absorption Committee headed by the Senior Vice President.

Is the equipment budget application reviewed by Technion surveyors?

Yes. The equipment request is evaluated by four reviewers, tenured faculty at the Technion, experts in your field of research, from faculties different from yours. Reviewers are committed to confidentiality and discretion in relation to your research proposal.

What is the cap on the amount that can be requested in the equipment budget application?

The Academic Absorption Committee examines each case individually according to the needs of the research.

What computational means can I include when requesting equipment for high-performance computing?

Means for high-performance computing may include local workstations, funding runs at the Technion HPC and other cloud computation resources, servers for the Technion HPC, in a combination suitable for your research. To further clarify your needs and the available solutions, a meeting will be scheduled with the Vice President for Information Systems and Computing. Such meetings are an integral part of the application preparation process throughout which you will receive guidance and assistance from Edith.

Is it possible to include in my equipment budget application funding for the purchase of accessories for installation and management of processing servers?

Such funding component can be included, if the server is intended for the Technion HPC. In this case, an overhead cost of 30% of the server purchase value including VAT can be added to the request.

Should the equipment budget request also include funding for the purchase of laboratory or office furniture?

Nope. Office and laboratory furniture, as well as chemical hoods, are part of the construction budget.

What can the personnel budget be used for?

The academic absorption procedure specifies all types of activities that can be covered from the personnel budget. For the procedure, please click here.

Is the manpower budget provided in the equipment grant a one-time budget?


How long does it take to receive approval of the equipment budget application?

The approval usually takes approximately two weeks.

How can I be sure that the approved amount is sufficient to cover my needs?

Past experience shows very few budget requests that require further revision. That is due to the fact that our work mechanism during the initial application process allows us to understand your research needs and ensure that the approved funding is sufficient to meet those and enable you to start your research career at the Technion on the right foot.

What is the difference between the academic absorption grant and the absorption package?

That’s right. A bit confusing.

The academic absorption grant for a new faculty member at the Technion is intended to enable the purchase of the required equipment and the employment of the staff in the first years, until independent grants are obtained. The grant is also intended for the physical establishment of the laboratory and for the development of teaching capabilities. Your academic absorption grant is the focus of this website.

The Absorption Package or Assistance Package is an aid vehicle designed to facilitate the absorption of new faculty members in Israel in general and at the Technion in particular. Terms and details can be obtained from Ms. Liat Mainzer, Head of Academic Staff, Human Resources Division.

If I am a theorist, am I eligible to receive an equipment budget?

Yes, you are. Please contact the Dean.

If I am a research fellow, am I eligible to receive an equipment budget?

Yes, you are. Please contact the Dean.

Is there a deadline for submitting an equipment application?

Nope. However, most candidates, new members and faculty, complete the application before they arrive. In such cases, the equipment budget will be activated the day you arrive at the Technion.

As a new faculty member, can I consult an academic mentor in relation to my equipment budget application?

Yes. It’s a great idea. This option exists in most faculties. You can check with the Dean.

Can I review previous equipment requests similar to my equipment request?

Yes, you can. You can ask the Dean. Please note that most requests are special in their own way.

Should 17% VAT be included in the equipment application?

Yes, VAT should be added to the total amount requested for the purchase of equipment and professional services. We take this into account in the budget.

Should the equipment budget application include the import cost?

When purchasing equipment from a manufacturer that does not have a representative office in Israel or where the local representative does not provide import services, approximately 5% of the cost of purchasing the system can be added to cover import costs.

Am I, as a new faculty member, supposed to contact the Deputy Senior Vice President?

Your application for equipment budget is submitted to the Deputy Senior Vice President by the Dean. Once you begin your work at the Technion, you can submit various requests to the Office Coordinator of the Senior Vice President Deputy, DSVP. For example, applications regarding an ISF Grant, equipment changes, budget duration extension, and more.

Is it possible to obtain the list of research infrastructure setups already available at the Technion?

Yes, it is, and it is important and worthwhile. Below is the link to the Technion Research Infrastructure website and the infrastructure list brochure.

How can the Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching help me as a new faculty member?

The Center for the Advancement of Learning conducts a variety of activities including workshops for teaching development, personal mentoring and support for course development (including hybrid courses). It is recommended to contact the head of the center, Dr. Olga Chuntonov. In addition, as part of the absorption grant you received a budget of NIS 40,000 for the development of your teaching and courses. This is the place to use it.

Can I get assistance with purchasing complex systems?

Yes, absolutely. Complex systems are our specialty. Please send a request to Edith.

Can I get help with setting up a website for my lab?

Yes, you can. It is recommended to contact Ami Dahan, Head of the Internet System Development Unit, Computing and Information Systems Division at the Technion. For details on the various personal website templates you can use for your lab, please click here.

How can I recruit students to my new lab at the Technion?

From our many conversations with new faculty members, we learned that the most effective ways to recruit students to the lab include:

  • Advertising on your laboratory’s website.
  • Advertising on social networks.
  • Word of mouth.
Common answers to questions about the laboratory setup process
Who allocates laboratory space?

Dean of the Faculty in coordination with the Committee for Academic Absorption.

What is the first step in the process of setting up my laboratory?

The process begins with the allocation of laboratory space by the Dean, in coordination with the academic absorption committee, and the submission of the characterization form.

Who can help me throughout the first stage of the laboratory setup process?

Michal, the academic absorption committee construction project coordinator. will contact you with the approval of the dean, immediately upon approval of the equipment budget request.

What should I, as a candidate or a new faculty member, bring to my first meeting with Michal, the construction coordinator?
  1. Characterization form. Below is a link to the computational laboratory characterization form, and to the experimental laboratory characterization form. For questions regarding the characterization form, please contact Michal and the Faculty Safety Officer.
  2. The equipment list includes the laboratory equipment, so that we can adapt the construction to the equipment.
What are the different stages in the process of setting up the laboratory?

The various stages of the process of setting up a new lab, schedules, and relevant staff are detailed in the flow chart shown here.

Is the construction process of new faculty laboratories standardized?

Yes, we employ standardization as much as possible. It is recommended to visit laboratories similar to the one you need. A visit can be arranged in coordination with the head of the laboratory department, in the Construction and Maintenance Division, engineer Assaf Raz.

Is there a programme coordinator on the absorption team that can help new faculty members prepare a program?

Yes, our team includes a programme coordinator and a construction liaison.

How long does it take to build a new lab?

Approximately 14 months from the date of approval of the programme by the Academic Absorption Committee. However, the duration of each project depends on the type of laboratory and its level of complexity.

As a new faculty member, can I consult a construction mentor for advice on planning my laboratory?

Yes, you can, and it is worthwhile. Some faculties have already appointed a senior faculty as a construction mentor who can advise new faculty members on setting up their lab. Please check with your Dean.

Are chemical hoods included in the construction budget?

Chemical hoods are included in the construction budget and there is no need to include them in your equipment budget request. On the other hand, no other types of hoods are included in the construction budget and must be included in the equipment budget request.

Are office and laboratory furniture included in the construction budget?

Yes, it is. Office and laboratory furniture are included in the construction budget. The set-up will be similar to that of existing laboratories, provided by the authorized suppliers of the Technion.